The Wolfman
Director: Joe Johnston
Actors: Benicio del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving

I went to see this movie with expectations for it to be a good story but a so-so movie overall. What I got was a really good story and a great movie. I'm not saying this will go down as the best monster movie ever but it's up there. The Wolfman is about a man named Lawrence Talbot (del Toro) who goes back to his home after he recieves a letter from his brother's fiancee Gwen Conliffe (Blunt) informing him that his brother was killed. He then decides to stay to uncover the mystery about what killed him and he ends up being bitten by a werewolf. The rest of the movie plays of to what he does as a werewolf, the unsuccessful "curing" of his disease, and the final showdown with the original werewolf who turns out to be his father Sir John Talbot (Hopkins). One thing I liked about the film was the brilliant acting by Anthony Hopkins and especially by Hugo Weaving as Inspector Francis Aberline. Another thing I liked about this movie very much was the gore. While most movies have too much gore, this movie had just enough gore to sweeten the thrills for the film overall and the big monster movie horror buffs who went to see it. Also, this movie was pushed back numerous times for directoral reasons and budget disputes and it got me worried that the film would not be all that exciting. But I was wrong. It was very exciting. So, as before, it is not the best monster movie film ever but it will go down in my list as one of the better ones.

Rating: 3
